Si vous croyez que les femmes ont généralement peu de fantasmes et n’apprécient pas le sexe autant q
Le fait est qu’elles ont été conditionnées à ne pas dévoiler ces envies. Cependant, tout ça, c’était avant. Nous sommes beaucoup moins...
8 things you'll learn about blowjob in a class Blowjob conferences and seminars are beginning to
A class is meant to be a gathering for knowledge sharing between people which is often presided over by someone more knowledgeable. Since...
Mesdames, voici comment atteindre l’orgasme facilement
Selon les dernières statistiques françaises, 8 femmes sur dix ont du mal à atteindre l’orgasme pendant un rapport sexuel. Manque de...
Do You Have A Sleep Disorder? Answer These 5 Questions To Find OutDon't hit the snooze button on
Raise your hand if this morning ritual sounds familiar: After punching the lights out of the snooze button a few times, you finally peel...
À notre époque, on prétend que les femmes sont libérées. Il n’y aurait aucune contre indication à so
On disait aux jeunes filles qu’il fallait se faire désirer et surtout ne jamais céder le premier soir sinon, elles passeraient pour des...
Before he goes to work He would have taken out his cock and licked all her cum until she came again,
The only thing Patricia could remember about the dream she was having was that she was naked and her pussy was being filled sweetly by a...
Wife weighs husband’s balls to see if he’s not cheating You learn something new everyday, who knew t
Say what now? Weighing testicles can tell if a man is cheating? How about smelling the junk or what other weird way can you find out if...
7 daily excuses that should lead to sex Little victories of the day should be celebrated with your p
Like you needed any more excuse to have sex. Well, just in case you need more reasons to tell your partner. So, to help your case, you...
7 things that are killing your sex drive Many things can lead to your diminishing sex drive and some
You know sex is good and you enjoy how it, you can remember how that orgasm made you feel like heaven was close but you can’t even be...
Here is what to do if you want more sex than your partner Being in sync sexually with your partner c
This happens more times than we think, being in sync with your partner when it comes to sex can be very invigorating, and this can spread...