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3 things that can ruin your sexual health Some habits can put you in early grave but some of these w

Remember when people say, that thing will probably kill about that thing you love so much, and you think they’re probably right, its just so difficult to stop doing that, its absolutely unbearable to stop. Guess what, you might have to stop willingly or you’ll be forced when it shows real signs of killing you. There are many habits that we have that are detrimental to our overall health, and some more dangerous than the other. Here are a list of 3 things that has severe effects on your sexual health, you don’t want to be that guy that has limp erection or can’t stay long enough to give your woman orgasm. Stay away from these three and watch your sex life get better. This list was compiled by Mia De Graaf, Daily Mail, she spoke with nutritionist Sarah Flower

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